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Los Angeles-based writer and editor Steffie Nelson explores the places where art, style, culture and history intersect. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Los Angeles Review of Books, W Magazine, and many others. She is the editor of the essay collection Slouching Towards Los Angeles: Living and Writing by Joan Didion’s Light, published in February 2020, and coauthor of Judson: Innovation in Stained Glass, published in March 2020.More...AVAILABLE NOW FROM RARE BIRD:A collection of 25 new essays inspired by Joan Didion and the West.Order NowHIGHLIGHTSFlaunt Magazine • Oct 22, 2021Ariana Papademetropoulos. “Origins” (2021). Oil on canvas. 84” x 120”. Courtesy of Ariana Papademetropoulos and Jeffrey Deitch Los Angeles. The artist Ariana Papademetropoulos moves effortlessly between dimensions. With her recent show, The Emerald Tablet, she took us over the rainbow. In this interview for Flaunt,... LOS ANGELES TIMES • Dec 20, 2020Not so long ago, the discovery of esoteric knowledge was a rite unto itself, requiring research and travel, as many dead ends as discoveries. Today, these quests are as simple as a Google search, a glance at an astrology app or a scroll through Instagram,... LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE • Dec 1, 2015To anyone who has walked into a Los Angeles yoga studio, the scene this Wednesday morning would be familiar: white walls hung with Tibetan silk tapestries that depict various incarnations of the Buddha; leafy plants and sparkling geodes dotting the corners of the room; shoji... RECENT WORKDESIGN / Journalism / LIVINGDESIGNLA/LA TIMES • Jun 10, 2019The California Dream of Elysian LandscapesFor Judy Kameon, the most important role a garden can fulfill is to create community, so there is a poetic synergy in the fact that her career as a garden... DESIGN / Journalism / LIVINGMOSAIC MAGAZINE • Mar 1, 2019Sara Ruffin Costello’s Southern CharmsSeven years ago, Sara Ruffin Costello and her family did what so many New Yorkers dream of but never dare—they left behind the urban rat race for a slower, sweeter... ART / CULTURE / DESIGN / JournalismDESIGNLA/LA TIMES • Nov 26, 2018The New Face of the Hotel FigueroaElegant and airy, lit by natural skylights and chandeliers, warmed by wood paneling, plush seating and a central fireplace, and decorated with contemporary art, books and rare objets: This quietly... CULTURE / DESIGN / FASHION / JournalismDESIGNLA/LA TIMES • Sep 7, 2018Global Citizen Phillip LimTwenty years ago, Phillip Lim was a talented up-and-comer, designing clothes for the label Development out a downtown L.A. studio where the door was secured with a padlock and the... ART / CULTURE / GREEN / JournalismBEYOND THE STREETS • Jul 15, 2018Gangsta Gardener Ron FinleyIn South Los Angeles, the term “gangsta” isn’t typically associated with flowers, fruit trees, or fertile bins of compost, but one day it will be, if Ron Finley has his... ART / CULTURE / FASHION / JournalismBEYOND THE STREETS • Jul 15, 2018Maripol: Polaroids From The UndergroundIn 1974, a book called The Faith of Graffiti, featuring photographs by Jon Naar and an essay by Norman Mailer about a new art form rising from the streets and...